Monday 13 October 2014

Final Flyer Design

I am happy with my final flyer design and think it effectively develops my concept of growth and will encourage new behaviour of the people that attended the Fair Trade Coffee Break. The flyer uses several visual elements that tie my touch points together, and will trigger the viewer's mind when they see them. The front of the flyer features the title 'Put What You've Learnt about Fair Trade Into Action', and the 'Fair Trade Coffee Equation', both of which encourage the viewer to continue on supporting Fair Trade. The back of the flyer then features reminders about Fair Trade that refresh the viewer about what Fair Trade does and how they can get involved. These reminders sprout front he 'Fair Trade Coffee Tree', which signifies how each reminder that the viewer carries out will help stimulate the growth Fair Trade provides workers. Overall I think that the flyer accomplishes its task of encouraging new behaviour, and is a strong finishing point to a combination of touch points that flow together to tell the narrative of the growth Fair Trade Provides.



Final Coffee Cup/Mug Design

My final coffee cup and mug came out great and I am incredibly happy with them. I think they follow on well from my previous touch points and convey my idea of growth from Fair Trade effectively. I have continued on with the Fair Trade Coffee Tree concept from my poster, while incorporating the fair trade logo under the tree that I used on my final T-shirt design. I did this to convey the idea that Fair Trade is supporting the growth of farmers, and it also has a nice double effect, as the logo plays the part of a globe that adds the idea of the worldwide scale that Fair Trade works on. I also brought back other elements from my poster like the mesh texture as the background and the organic green coloration for smaller elements of the design. I think these elements come together well to further convey my idea of the growth Fair trade provides, and at the same time, tie this touch point back to my previous touch points to create a cohesive series of designs.

Final Clothing Designs

After developing my initial concepts a bit, I arrived at my final t-shirt and jumper designs. The designs follow on strongly from my poster design, firstly through their use of the same colour scheme. I continued on using the deep coffee brown for main elements of each design and also the same beige colouration for other elements in order to create a nice balance between dark and light. I also re-introduced the pattern from my poster on my final jumper design which I think contrasts well with the brown.

I also wanted to make sure that the imagery I used on well from my posters to tie the touch points together, while blending new elements into the designs to keep things fresh. The t-shirt implements the same type style as my poster and so does my jumper. My t-shirt also incorporates a development of the Fair Trade Coffee Tree imagery from my final poster, while my jumper follows on from some of my developed poster with the sprouting farmer. I think both designs effectively convey my messages of 'Fair Work. Fair Pay' and the growth of fair trade, while ensuring that they flow and follow on from previous design to keep cohesion throughout the different touch points.

Final Poster Design

I am very happy with my final poster concept, as I think it effectively conveys my message of Fair Trade and the growth that it provides workers worldwide. I think the poster uses a strong rhetoric approach through its visual elements that will open people's eyes about the support that Fair Trade provides farmers, especially coffee grower, and provides the necessary information about the Fair Trade Coffee Break to entice viewers to come along and learn about Fair Trade and how they can get involved. 

The main element of the poster is the Fair Trade Coffee Tree, which signifies the growth that Fair Trade provides and the support it gives farmers. It is then backed up by the imagery of the coffee seed that the tree sprouts from. I also incorporated the background texture which is intended to represent the mesh bags that Fair Trade Coffee is delivered in. I think this adds a another subtle element that I can use on other touch points to tie them to the poster. I think this combination of elements makes for a visually appealing poster that conveys my message about Fair Trade and will encourage people to come along to the event.

Thursday 9 October 2014

Final Homepage Video

After the first draft I continued on and made a few minor changes to produce my final homepage video. I think it conveys the idea of fair trade well, as well as being informative about what fair trade is and why it is present. Crucially, I think it also calls the viewer into action and creates curiosity about fair trade and will entice the viewer into going along to the fair trade coffee break to learn more about fair trade, and how they can get involved.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Homepage Video Draft

After piecing together the elements I wanted for my homage video, I started putting it all together and came up with this initial draft video 

Tuesday 7 October 2014

Homepage Video Development

For my web hub homepage I decided I wanted to have a showcase video that would set the tone for my project and the rest of the 'site'. I began putting together some footage that I took of various coffee shops around Wellington such as Havana, Fidel's and Midnight Expresso. I tried to put an emphasis on the production side of the coffee and also things that would accentuate the idea of fair trade coffee, which all of the locations I visited abide by.

I also wanted to get across a sense of community that would help draw people towards the coffee break and let people know that theres a bunch of like-minded people that want to be informed and learn more about fair trade.

Finally I wanted to insert a narrative into the video in the form of slides that pop up, so I drew from my earlier research and decided on some facts that would help convey fair trade and some statements that would also help to draw people to the coffee break. I also wanted the style to follow on from my posters so I came up with this...

Saturday 4 October 2014

Further Flyer Development

I started out with the idea of just having a one-sided flyer design, but after doing some initial design I quickly changed my mind to having my flyer be double-sided. This was mainly due to the issue of space, as there just wasn't enough space on a single-sided flyer to fit what I wanted on there. So I began developing my initial flyer concepts and looking at ways I could spread the elements across two pages. Of the two developed designs I came up with I decided that the landscape design was definitely the stronger concept. Moving forward there are some further developments I want to make to the landscape concept and hopefully I can make it stronger and improve some of the elements that will tie it back to my other touch points more effectively.



