My final coffee cup and mug came out great and I am incredibly happy with them. I think they follow on well from my previous touch points and convey my idea of growth from Fair Trade effectively. I have continued on with the Fair Trade Coffee Tree concept from my poster, while incorporating the fair trade logo under the tree that I used on my final T-shirt design. I did this to convey the idea that Fair Trade is supporting the growth of farmers, and it also has a nice double effect, as the logo plays the part of a globe that adds the idea of the worldwide scale that Fair Trade works on. I also brought back other elements from my poster like the mesh texture as the background and the organic green coloration for smaller elements of the design. I think these elements come together well to further convey my idea of the growth Fair trade provides, and at the same time, tie this touch point back to my previous touch points to create a cohesive series of designs.
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